Monday, September 10, 2007

Bay of Pigs Cheet Sheet

Photo Credit: Bay of Pigs

When you visit Cuba you may come across references to The Bay of Pigs Invasion. There are even excursions from Varadero to visit the site. Here's a bit of background information.

In 1959, Fidel Castro and his rebel army succeeded in overthrowing the Cuban government forcing many people to flee the country. Anti-Castro Cuban exiles, based in the US, quickly plotted to invade Cuba and remove Castro from power. The US government supported the invasion but wanted to keep their involvement hidden. They helped by providing military equipment including airplanes for the invasion.

The plan was to launch an initial air strike to destroy the Cuban Air Force, establish a presence at the Bay of Pigs and move forward to Havana. The exiles believed that the Cuban people would rise up in support of their cause and help to overthrow Castro. A group of 1300 Cuban exiles, many with little or no military training were set to invade Cuba by landing at the Bay of Pigs.

Fidel Castro outmanouvers the exiles

News of the invasion leaked out and Castro was able to anticipate the attack. He moved much of his air force out of harms way. The exiles believing that they had destroyed most of the Cuban Air Force launched their land invasion on April 17th, 1961. Their lack of training coupled with Cuba's ability to support troops from the air sealed their fate. The US, even though they supported the invasion refused to be involved directly with it and did not provide any reinforcements for the exiles. More than 100 of them were killed and the remaining exiles were imprisoned.

The Kennedy administration was deeply embarrassed as the world found out about the US involvement in the failed attack. The invasion actually strengthened Castro's support among the people and increased their suspicions of the US. Fidel Castro eventually negotiated the return of the exiles to the United States by trading them for $54 million dollars in aid to his country.

The US government to this day continues to maintain policies designed to destabilize Castro's government.

If you are interested in more information on The Bay of Pigs Invasion here are a few interesting links to check out:

Guidelines For Tipping In Cuba

All inclusive
Value of a Tip
Culture of Socialism
Tip if ou want to
Uneven Service
Where it ma benefit

Arriving To and Departing From Cuba

Understanding the arrival and departure procedures at a Cuban airport

Procedures, Fill in Tourist Cards, Fees etc.

National Holidays in Cuba

Spanish Phrases You Absolutely Need

Here are some key phrases that will help you get along in Cuba or at the very least help engratiate you with the locals.

Understanding Cuban Cuisine

Typical food of Cuba
What not to miss
Food shortages

The Cuban Bartender

What everyone needs to know about Cuban drinks.

A Day in Havana

If you can get the chance to visit Havana take it. Don't miss an opportunity to see a fascinating, vibrant and historic city.

Some of the hilights of the city:

Who is Che Guevera and What is He Doing On My T-Shirt?

Whereever you go in Cuba you will see tourist Kiosks selling T-shirts, Books and Souvenirs focused on the heros of the Cuban Revolution: Che Guevera, Fdel Castro of course and ...

Everyone knows Fidel but who is Che and what is he doing on your new T-shirt?

What You Need To Know About Cuban Cigars

Information on Cuban Cigar Industry
Links to Cigar Info on the Net
Major Cuban Cigar manufacturers
Difference in Cuban Cigar manufacturers

Is that Cohiba Cigar Real or a Fake?

Photo Credit: Fake Cohibas

Provide some guidelines as to how to buy high quality cigars in Cuba. What to avoid.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Phoning Home From Cuba

Photo Credit: Phone Home From Cuba

Procedure for phoning
Support for calling cards
1 800 numbers
Reversing Charges
Hotel Rates

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Excursions To Cayo Largo

There is no doubt that the beaches of Varadero are beautiful but if you want to see beaches that are truly breathtaking, many say the best in the world, then you need to pay a visit to Cayo Largo.

Cayo Largo is an island 175 kilometers south of Havana. It is part of the Los Canarreos Archipelago and has 27 miles of beautiful, pristine white sand beaches. Walking on the beaches of Cayo Largo is like walking on soft carpet. Even though a number of hotels have been built on the island it still remains relatively isolated and retains its unspoiled natural beauty.

Daily Excursions to Cayo Largo

There are daily excursions to Cayo Largo leaving around 6:30 am and returning 12 hours later. You are driven from your hotel to the Varadero Airport where you take a short 35 minute flight to the island. The daytrip consists of a boat ride to an isolated beach, snorkeling and a visit with the iguanas which are found everywhere in Cayo Largo.

Lunch and cocktails are included and after lunch you will have a few hours to enjoy Cayo Largo's beaches before heading back to the airport for your return flight to Varadero. You can expect to be back by 6:30 or 7:00 in the evening. The cost for the excursion is around $140 CUC ( approximately $140 US ).

This excursion gives you a chance to see another part of Cuba and get a feel for the island of Cayo Largo to decide whether it is a place for your next Cuban vacation.

Nudism in Cayo Largo

One final point to consider. If you enjoy nude sunbathing then Cayo Largo is the place for you. The Cuban government permits nudism since the beaches are so isolated and unpopulated. With so many miles of beach available it is easy to be discreet and find a spot to enjoy (or try) nude sunbathing and swimming. In 2004 Cayo Largo was voted "the most beautiful beach for nudism in the world".

To find out more about Cayo Largo and see some great pictures of the island visit this Cayo Largo website.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sailing Catamarans In Varadero Cuba

Unlike many beach resorts in the caribbean, the rules for sailing in Varadero are a little different. Small sailboats like Lasers and Sunfish are not used in Varadero. For greater stability most resorts have catamarans as shown in the picture.

As well, guests aren't permitted to take sailboats out on their own. The resorts have experienced sailors that must accompany them. You reserve a boat for a half hour or one hour period then someone takes out a group of up to four people for a sail.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Beach Image of Varadero CUBA

Although a conventional beach shot, it perfectly conveys the mood and atmosphere of the beach in Varadero. The sand is white, the beach is long and relatively quiet. Perfect for tanning, walking or jogging.

Medical Services in Cuba

In general, Cuban medical services are readily available, even at resort hotels. Varadero has a medical clinic located in town on the corner of 63d street and first avenue directly across from the Quattro Palmas Hotel.

Service is quick but be aware that Cuban medical resources are often limited so this may affect the treatment possibilities.

For divers, Varadero also has a decompression chamber in town at the dive center.

Introduction to Varadero

Varadero, Cuba is a 17 kilometer narrow peninsula that juts out from the northern side of Cuba. You can see a satellite view of varadero at this link.

Varadero has an airport that provides many visitors with direct flights from North america, europe, and South America.

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