Thursday, May 24, 2007

Beach Image of Varadero CUBA

Although a conventional beach shot, it perfectly conveys the mood and atmosphere of the beach in Varadero. The sand is white, the beach is long and relatively quiet. Perfect for tanning, walking or jogging.

Medical Services in Cuba

In general, Cuban medical services are readily available, even at resort hotels. Varadero has a medical clinic located in town on the corner of 63d street and first avenue directly across from the Quattro Palmas Hotel.

Service is quick but be aware that Cuban medical resources are often limited so this may affect the treatment possibilities.

For divers, Varadero also has a decompression chamber in town at the dive center.

Introduction to Varadero

Varadero, Cuba is a 17 kilometer narrow peninsula that juts out from the northern side of Cuba. You can see a satellite view of varadero at this link.

Varadero has an airport that provides many visitors with direct flights from North america, europe, and South America.

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